FS2004 Rideable Black Stallion By Ebnit Aeronautics Greg Ebnit

Copy paste or move Black-Stallion file to your main FS9 Aircraft
Folder after unzip.

The top speed of this horse is 42 kts orverspeeding can get a little hairy.
It is best to turn crash off when riding in tight cover such as trees.
The switch on the saddlehorn controls the speed of the animation rightclick
to turn on left to turn off.Also there are some Nav Sim icons on the saddle
so you dont get lost.LOL
The horse has brakes so just think of them as pulling back on the reins.
Gentle use of the rudder will keep you and your horse upright and riding smooth.
Turn up your volume on the Environment sound setting so you can hear the wind in
your ears and the hoofbeats.
Riding through hills and heavy cover just makes the ride more enjoyable as you
negotiate turns and pitch and roll over hills.

This is a great way to view your scenery from the ground.
Enjoy and have fun. Greg Ebnit :>( )


Thanks to Bill Learning at Free Flight for teaching me the XML code that made this possible.

As with all my models freedom of customization is allowed as long as it is not for
profit all source files availiable upon request.